Matthew Bates

T-1 and counting

All three of us are now together and in Billingshurst!


You may have noticed Neil's new look - that's part of his donation to the charity-raising effort, so remember to s[ponsor us](#mce_temp_url#)!

We've loaded the car and were surprised as to how much we could fit in the wee thing. At the moment the whole trip is still a bit of a hypothetical situation. We think it probably will still feel like 'just another holiday' until after the [Czechout Party](#mce_temp_url#) on day 3. After that, we've got to make it to the Russian border- *that's* when it gets interesting... 

From tomorrow, we've got a new page here on the site - [the Route](#mce_temp_url#). From now, all of our updates will be geo-tagged; that's a fancy way of saying that it'll also come with a pin in our new map. You can see how far behind our schedule we are in real time!

Wish us luck...Â