Rushabh Shah

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

Our celebrations took place at a rooftop in the fort that overlooks the entire city!! Incredible nighttime scenery. We toasted to our success with a glass of Bhang lassi! This morning we toured around the fort and temples. Scorching heat! And that marks the end of our thrilling adventure! Now back in jodhpur for the night. Sightseeing in the morning. flight to Mumbai in the afternoon! Thank you all for your tuning in! Hope you enjoyed the read!

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Jaisalmer, India

We calculated that this final sector was going to be about 300km. As we got lost, we extended the journey another 70-80km! Not ideal as our engine was acting up and giving us doubts about reaching jaisalmer. This drive was awesome as were driving directly into the sunset! with frequent stops to check and cool the engine we finally made it.. The finish line was within the jaisalmer fort! Funnily enough, our engine gave up on us a few metres short of the line.. so at 21:15 23-sept-10 we pushed hakuna matuktuk across the finish to officially complete the rickshaw run. We came 7th!@

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Rajasthan, India

jodhpur is only 200km from Ajmer; considering that we were driving on good roads, we weren't rushed for time. paid an early morning visit to the sonna temple of ajmer. 1 ton of gold used to build a model of a heavenly city - quite exceptional. arrived into jodhpur early evening. strolled the streets by the clock tower that to experience the hustle and bustle. next stop jaisalmer!!

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Rajasthan, India

day 9, Jaipur to Ajmer. Distance 140km. We were in no rush this morning, decided to lie in. we visited the jantar mantra - an ancient astrology museum that possesses the largest sundial. A local rickshaw guy by the name of raj, took us around the city, genuinely friendly - he was very keen to introduce us to charas, grass and other smoked herbs. Just before setting off for ajmer, raj serviced our tuk at no cost! Arrived into Ajmer late in the evening

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Rajasthan, India

day 8 (p.s. this should have been up 3days ago) Guys this day goes off the richter scale! We started our journey at 5am and ended at 10pm conquering 420km to reach Jaipur as intended! But that's not even the best bit.. We reached dolpur (north of Jhansi) ahead of schedule. we got stopped by a cop who first wanted to fine us for speeding, we ended up "paying" him for toll.. We then had to drive through a flooded road 25m long. In watching other vehicles cross the flood, our egos got the best of us. With water to our knees the engine failed and we had to push the tuk for most of the way. It then took an hour to restart the waterclogged engine. Later, just before karauli, we were faced by 50-60km of rough and crappy roads.. Driving on the wrong side of the road, we almost had a head on collision with a motorbike. The motorcyclist turned back to chase us waving his handgun to flag us down. Yes a GUN! without hesitating we stopped the tuk asap! As we stepped out to apologise, without a word he slapped us and whipped us with a belt! (swelling and bruises to the head!) as he calmed down we apologised and took off immediately!.. we carelessly drove through another flooded road and as expected our engine failed yet again taking over half hour to repair!... in that time, a lorry burst it's tyre just as it drove passed us. I'm sure u understand why would have thought it was gun shot.. Scared the living hell out of us.. So we managed to reach karauli by 5 and had another 180km to reach jaipur... night time driving was hell but once we hit the motorway roads were awesome! So basically, we would have avoided all this had we chose to go via Agra instead of karauli.. But then again we'd have no story to tell!

Rushabh Shah
Of Hakuna Matuktuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Madhya Pradesh, India

wow... Flabbergasted... never new our Indian ancestors were that explicit! The temples were awesome, and our tour guide was even better! He openly gave us the full deal of karma sutra pointing out all the various carvings. He also interrogated us to some extent - no shame at all! Some might rate this R18 but according to the scriptures it's R-puberty. Must say it was truly an eye opening experience.. I best not go into details, I leave it to your imaginations... from what we've seen today... Anything is possible... Anything... Sweet dreams