Appendix troubles.
 By now we are long on our journey into the first leg of our Trip, at time of writing the boys are chilling out in Klenova awaiting the infamous Castle Partay. But ours truely Henry Perks is back in good old England writing this very post. Why! I hear you scream, well there might well have been a small mishap concerning his appendix in the run up to the leaving date. I'll start from the beginning. The date was the 19th of July and we were hosting another infamous party at the Cressey Farm, this was to be our leaving party. All was well at the party, food was eaten, drinks were drinken, dances were danced and the mood was fabulous.     And then the pain came... Oh my, the pain was incredible, never ending stomach crunching aches disabled Henry to a point that his dancing became almost even more outrageous. But never the less he refused to give in to these pains. After rocking back and forth for hours on end Henry finally gave in and drove home at 4,30am. At home he proceeded to be sick a number of times before asking his father if there was something wrong with him. Suprisingly there was something wrong with poor old Henry, his appendix was leaking bad. So off to the hospital. Then this happened.        Â