Sonja Carlsen

Berlin, Germany

in berlin with our old convoy, good times. Flew from Ulaanbatar this morning with 'Safety is not an option for Mongolian Airlines', which Apparently was official cancelled and two hours delayed cause they had to get fuel in Ulaanbatar,something that dosent surprise us at this point. Anyway, we're here now and going to have a great evening and tomorrow it's back to Cph,which is going to be very weird. But thanks to all of you who has been following us. And remember, you can still donate money for our project, we saw some of the children preform at the finish party and couldn't help thinking,that They need more money. So any amount is grand. Mucho love Cecilie and Sonja

Govi-Altai, Mongolia

part 2: ) and the thing holding the wheel. They gave us a lift into the nearest town, Where a Mecanic in a wooden shelter fixed the bit that had fallen off. He did a good job and Then They drove us back to the car and tried to fix it. It turned up that Stirring had gone on the left side. They managed to fix it with a paperclip and get the wheel back on. Then we camped and drank some beers. Today we're on our way to Altai- bout 150km, to drop the car. It's very sad Cause the car had become the a third person and this morning we named it McQueen. However we are proud, Cause the guys said that They were amazed we got this far, as this was clearly not the first time McQueen had been fixed and it was shit done. Anyways, not to worry we're fine and after our goodbye to McQueen we can get a lift with them.

Govi-Altai, Mongolia

a bit of sad day, after our fell off after going into a pothole, so there we were, standing in the middle of nowhere for a couple of hours. Then mongolian rush hour began and one car came, we were very excited until we realised that the driver went out of the car to take a shit on the road. We managed to get them over to look at the car and They looked at it and said 'Ulaanbatar-no no no' and Then left. Then a car with 4 monks came, They said 'Take bus Ulaanbatar', but They had a phone around a really old mans neck so They pulled him a bit and made a phonecall and told us in 20min help would come and left. Then a car with three drunk men came and said 'you go with us' and we said 'hell no'. Then thank God two rally teams showed up and best of all, it was The Mecanics! It turned up that the suspentions had gone (thanks to the previos owner, a lady so fat, she could'nt fit into the car