Jonathon Jones

The final countdown...

Like that classic Europe hit of the 80s, we are on the final countdown now until the rally start at the Goodwood Festival of Slow. And the last day entails packing, checking the spares are in, some more stripping (of the ambulance that is) and one last clean to get rid of that dead body smell.


And then we're off! So our route for the first couple of days? Well, we cross the channel from dover at 8.30 tomorrow night and will head a little way into Europe (let's see if we can make Germany). Then day two, the Sunday, will see us having to suck up the 700 miles or so to the Czech Republic to a small village a way off from Prague for the Czech Out Party. And after that?

Who knows. We'll start making it up as we go along. That's where it starts to get fun!

But whilst I'm typing our last UK musings, we'd like to say a lovely thank you to all our business sponsors who have helped us get the Ambulance (Nina) on the road and also, all of our friends and family who have contributed to our JustGiving page. We had to raise £1,000 for the lovely people at Mercy Corps and I am pleased to say we have SMASHED that target! We've upped the target now to £2,500 because we are just lovely, aspirational people so if you still want to throw some money to helping people who really need it, visit our JustGiving page and be nice. 

So that's that. We'll be updating here and out Twatter account when we can en route and will probably be in touch on facebook where we can find wifi (probably not on the Steppe though).

Right...need to go and iron my underwear now...


Jonathon Jones
Of The Orientalists
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Well, you have to start somewhere...

London's a good a place as any. So with 10 months to go until launch day and having just finished a tiring day at work coupled with a cycle home in the rain, it's time to get started on this little adventure. So welcome to The Orientalists Mongol Rally 2010 mini-site! Oh yeah!

 I feel there should be a fanfare. There's one in my head at any rate. 

Yes, we are going to Mongolia. And the we so far is myself, Mr Tris Jones Esquire, and my esteemed colleague, Mr Wayne Byrne BA joint hons (co-op). 

Yesterday, at 2pm precisely, we were hovering over our 'refresh' buttons eagerly anticipating the vast web slowdown that would not enable us to join the Rally (I experienced a similar thing with getting Take That tickets, but they released extra tour dates so it was all good in the end). 

Five crashes, four disclaimers, three whoops, two google checkouts and one call to Mrs Byrne later, we were in. And as Alan Partridge himself would put it: "cashback!"

So now what then? I guess this site will become a constant update of our daily slogs, issues, good times, parties, frets and stresses until M-day. We'll try do you a favour and make it entertaining. But don't hold us to that. It will just depend how pissed we are when typing...
