Philip Morrison

Philip Morrison
Of NWFour Badgers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

After 4 weeks and 6 days across various versions of unsuitable terrain, 2 holes in exhaust, 1 broken windscreen, 1 puncture, 3 holes ane 1 totally new fuel tank, the patchy beard, pornstar tashe and whispy growth have finally dragged the swift across the finish line! Pats on the back all round and beers are shortly to flow. Awesome.

Philip Morrison
Of NWFour Badgers
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Arvaikheer, Mongolia

Reunited with dave! Our fuel tank is dead on our roof and we've got a new one (former water holder) sitting in passenger seat footwell. Amazing job done by genius of pete of silent pete - our convoy buddies of old. Car stinks of petrol and can only seat two so phil is holding fuel pipes in whilst hanging out of window whilst either tom or dave jump in with mates.