Peter Dow

Peter Dow
Of Daioniigobi
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Beijing in the Rain


After my 36hrs train journey across the Gobi and into China, I'm currently in my Hutong Courtyard Hotel in DongCheng, Beijing. Bit of a nightmare finding this place as the Beijing Hutong's are tiny allyways and my Chinese itsn't up to reading the streetnames. It was also raining cats and dogs so not a taxi to be had..... but I'm now dry and sent some of my very dirty clothes off to the laundry!!! I also forgot to sat that, Bec was good enough to book the hotel for me... but forgot the time difference, so I was supposed to arrive on Fri night .... which meant they'd released my room!!!  after some discussion everything was fixed.

Plan today is  to check out how I'll get down to Hong Kong, visit the Forbidden City and Tiananmen Sq and try to avoid the rain....

 China is actually very refreshing after all the countries we have driven through..... there is more Western stuff here... shops, food, McDonalds, etc then any of the countries since we left Europe. The biggest shock is that I'm now a normal Tourist, in the same catagory as all the fat Americans I've just had breakfast with,,,,


Peter Dow
Of Daioniigobi
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Govi-Altai, Mongolia

set up camp in the desert. Interesting day yesterday, we were joined by a spanish team.. We them managed to knock their sump off. Stayed with them until local towed them away. Few miles down the road found a danish team with a broken front strut. Managed to get a local welder to weld the bracket back on, paper clip to replace the broken circlip and good as new. Dark by the time we finished, so setup camp. In convoy to Altay. Roads are ridged sand so we are constantly shaken and dusty.