Adam Cross

Update from Constanta, Romania.

Hello friends and family of the bristol Sand Club.


We are now located in Constanta Romania, and having a great time! After 4 days stuck in Otaci, Moldova under the supervision of the European Union Border Assistance mission (EUBAM) waiting for papers to arrive we decided on thursday to re-route them to Constanta Romania. (due in part to Otaci not being on any maps).

 We made a tough 24 hour dash for Constanta and arrived on friday afternoon, limping into town with only half our gears working! Joining up with the other 2 fire engine teams we a relief and we are now a unified convoy, determined to get these old rigs to Mongolia.. 

Saturday was spent at the yard of Shark Diving Romania, the sponsor who are looking after us and the vehicle is now ready for the next step. (Problem was a slipped clutch which required tightening, not to self: do not push vintage vehicles). Constanta has been fun, we have had the use of internet facilities and beers are cheap, we have been to the beach and to museums, although rally admin has always come first!!


on monday morning we will turn the Great White Goddess to face the rising sun, and begin the tough(er) part of our journey.. we have 20 days to get to Mongolia if we are to make the 5 week party, failing that, then Ulan Bataar by the 4th september is our aiming point... although visa trouble for our Russia 2nd entry is incoming. (More about that later).We have heard reports of floods, forest fires and fuel shortages, so nothing is set in stone!


The Team would like to thank everyone who reads the blog for their support e.t.c.



Adam, Zach , Fred, Will and Olly

The Adventure Begins...

**And so the adventure begins...**


Tuesday the 6th of October 2009 sees the first team meeting, our Goddess is now settled securely into her new home in Bristol having made the trip from Liverpool without incident the previous weekend. Zach has now recovered from his driving ordeal (the biggest car he had driven to date was a mini!). Our first sponsorship letter was sent out today, and the team is excited for the outcome, watch this space....
