Update June
Dear Team Shoeless Fans,
                        We have just sorted out the car insurance. Which frankly was so expensive I think I've got a 3rd degree burn in my wallet!! 
       The car is due to be fully MOT'd and serviced on Saturday and will then be taxed and finally be on the road. Once on the road we can narrow down any flaws that need changing.
       We are still urging for donations, not only for our great charity but also for the costs of the rally itself. Every little helps and you are the people who will help us! So dig deep and hit the donate button NOW!!!
       We do have a Facebook group, anybody wishing to donate just look up Luke and Charlie go to Mongolia in the search bar.....we are the only ones!
       We will update you further in a few weeks, enjoy the sun!!!!!
      Luke and CharlieÂ
Update May
Firstly let me apologies for the lack of recent updates but we have been very busy.Â
 The car is now coming along very nicely, we have added a bit of paint, a few stickers and are starting to very much make it our own.
 The interior is now completed, the carpets have been replaced with something a little more durable and the back of the car has now been fully replaced with a flat bed arrangment so that we can store more gear!Â
 We have now really started to push for sponsorship and have had some very generous donations, they will all be added to our total before we set off so you can all see the money we have raised.
 The car is still in need of Tax, an MOT and insurance but that is now well in the works!
So we again ask for your generous donations to our charities to help make this trip a great boost for the Christina Noble Childrens Foundation!!
  Thank you, and I'll update again with more news.