Sathyanarayan Anand

Team website is up!

[The Gobi Manchurians]( are an Indian team based out of New York City and Philadelphia in the United States. The name is inspired by one of our favorite Sino-Indian fusion dishes and a driven (no pun intended) desire to pay homage to the Gobi desert.

Gobi Manchurian is essentially a Chinese dish but spiced up to satisfy the Indian palate. It is made by marinating cauliflower (gobi) florets in a motherload of spices and stir-frying them in a wok. Can be served dry or with gravy. The recipe will be put up once we figure out how exactly our local dhaba guy (streetside chef) in New Delhi conjures up his magical version of this dish.

The Gobi Manchurians will raise $2,000 for Mercy Corps. We will drive a small, fuel efficient (sub 1 litre) car from London, UK to Ulaan Bataar, Mongolia - over 12,000 miles through 15 countres to raise money for Mercy Corps. In addition to the money generated through this portal, the team will also donate their car and rally gear upon completion.

Please visit our full website [here](