Dennis Przywara


So we’re less than 60 days until we ship off to India.  Got my shots and for the price of them, I better be immune to Kryptonite!  Michelle decide to save a couple of  bucks and bring her own syringes that she found at Venice beach.  See kids, you can find free souvenirs if you look hard enough!

We’re finally getting donations for “The Frank Water Project.â€Â  Thanks to everyone who has donated so far.  If you haven’t, you can go right here:


Next is a motorcycle license.  I’m taking a crash course at 5:30 AM Sat!  I guess if I run over some hobos or something, nobody will notice.

Visas went out as well.  Hoping for the best.  They asked for a picture I.D. and all I had was my “Chuck E. Cheese Super Cheezer Discount Card.â€Â  This worked for buying booze in Detroit as a minor, hopefully, India also approves of this magical card!  That’s all for now, but for the time being, enjoy this picture of a monkey on a motorcycle.



and Michelle, prepping helmets for the big Rickshaw Race…     


Either way, both are comedy gold.




Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely --having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the…

 SCREW THIS. I didn’t know how to start off this “Rickshaw Rumbling†so I thought I just rip something off from “Moby Dick.†Man, that book is boring! Why doesn’t the guy just kill the whale, get a beer, and get over it! And talk about a book with no pictures! Who wants to read that? Anyhoo, yes we’re doing this thing call the “Rickshaw Run.†At first I thought it was called a “Rickshaw†because of the guy who invented it (Professor Harvey Rickshaw was what I was told), but then I found out that these things are really esembled on another planet far away so when the they finally breakdown, there’s no way of contacting the manufacturer… kind of like a Mac computer.

 Oh well, I’m sure that by now if you haven’t already clicked off the page to surf for the latest in sexy adult shenanigan’s (Lord knows it pretty tempting right now) or why Darth Vader REALLY wears a mask, you’re probably wondering… why in the hell is their name, “The Schleprocks?â€

 THE SCHLEPROCKS: Yes, we are based off a poorly made “Muppet Baby†spinoff of The Fintstone’s offsprings… not even their seed, but a lonesome, sad sack of a teen named Schleprock where a thundercloud of terror rained on his head wherever he went. Such an unlucky fellow. This is us… on a good day. You see, we run into trouble at every adventure/event/birthday/communion/or social event, in every country, in every state we travel.Examples:


Meeting the GF’s parents for the first time. Within 24hrs, we’re in a head-on collision and total her car.

Travel to Japan only to realize we’re at the wrong airport when leaving.

We go to New Orleans only to end up in the middle of HURRICANE KATRINA.

Go on a weekend hike with a group to Yosemite only to be abandoned by them to fend for ourselves amongst the killer bears in the wilderness.


These are just some examples of our luck. But at the same time, this what makes us awesome, because we always seem to have BETTER time thinking on our toes and winging it then any pre-made vacation plan could ever give us. This is one of the many reasons why it works. And this is why we’re doing “The Rickshaw Run.†For fun, for adventure, but most importantly, to put one of those really cool hula-doll statues and fuzzy dice at the front of our tuk-tuk.

Rock on, more rants to follow…