Gill Murphy

First of many updates

Well so far, so good.

Gill has had nearly all her injections, Steph has started hers (and didnt cry once but only coz she wanted a lollipop afterwards) and Ian apparently doesnt need most of them as he is made of a steel/titanium and disease quakes at the sight of him (its either that or he has had most already, I wasn't really listening).

Flights are all booked so we should be there by the 8th of Sept for a couple of days of relaxing etc. but still deciding on a hotel for the first couple of nights so if anyone has any suggestions feel free to let us know!

Route is pretty much decided on at the moment but us actually sticking to it may be a different story if my previous navigation skills are anything to go by.  If you are struggling to find us at any point its likely we will be in Mongolia arguing over who took the wrong turn.  

Fundraising got off to a flying start with lots of people offering sponsership but actually getting them to give us the money is proving slightly more difficult.  Beginning to think we may have to resort to plying people with ale and then stealing the change out of their pockets.  Car boot sale last week went well with us raising over £100 and still coming away with enough stuff to do another.  Biggest issue with it was the 4AM start because apparently people stop spending money at 6.30 in the morning!  Time to start chasing up the corporate sponsors now I think and if anyone knows of a company or runs a company that would like to give us money/equipment/publicity etc. in exchange for us telling people they are great then please give us a shout.

Facebook site has been up and running for a while, just search the Big Rickshaw Adventure, and our justgiving links and what have you are all on there too, including a 101 ways to die on the rickshaw run discussion thread if anyone would like to contribute as we figure if we know the most likely 101 ways then we know what to avoid (putting a camel in a petrol rickshaw is a big no-no according to our sources).

So we will update you all as soon as we have more news and please visit our Facebook page and Justgiving site if you have a few spare minutes.