Florian Widmeier


## Dear Followers

#### Just received a bunch of pictures from the teams. Take a look at them fantastic and sometimes odd pictures [here](index.php?mode=teamwebsites&name=editanstalt-rally-team&page=gallery&albumid=3228). As far as I can tell the teams have recently passed Toshkent and are now heading towards Kazakh- or Kyrgyzstan - take good care boyz!

#### see you around  -  your homebase


Reaching the Kaspian Sea

The teams seem to be doing well. They've just hit the shore of the kaspian sea according to the [pandaspot](http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0ooklR1A5D2hPqiMuImFvySv6AqJPFyg5 "pandaspot"). But we haven't heard anything from them since last friday...

yours sincerely * the homebase