Done and dusted
Hi Peeps
arrived this morning took our pictures and then started the celebrations that went on to 05:00 next morning[gallery]
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We arrive in Ulan Bataar
Hi Peeps
arrived in Ulan Bataar and mini celebrations
Boris needs a hoover
Hi Peeps
We have safely navigated the final few miles of dirt track and corrugations and are driving on Tarmac. However there are still some miles to go and they are still throwing a few curve balls our way.
1 block off the main road after paying a poll tax and make you climb a hill in dirt.
2 place a sleeping policeman in the middle of nowhere at the start of a steep hill so you have to do the whole thing in 2nd
The logic escapes me, perhaps someone can enlighten me!
Nearly done
Hi Peeps
We are nearly done in more ways than most. Boris is squeeking along taking all sorts of bangs and knocks from these roads.
We are about half way through the southern route across Mongolia in Altay. Worse half to do still
C u . Ula-Ude
Boris has new brake pads riveted
Hi Peeps
Safe and sound after our first bit of off reading in Mongolia. Main road splits into a myriad of tracks all heading in the general direction of the next town, you pick one and off you go. Added excitement with no brakes and limited visibility as you are driving at night. However our lady love from Osandmaps has saved us twice.
Off to the Gobi next.
Today spent in Khovd with Jo and his Crew fixing 5 rally cars.
Boris loves a level playing field
Hi Peeps
well today has been sublime we have traveled a distsnce and found a delightful des res ay Mayon on route to Mongolia. Considering the northern route as no one else has done it!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
takes twenty minutes to download position. I do not know why starting point is centre point is centre of Atlantic?
Anyway we are travelling well decision to be made. North or south route of Mongolia
Boris loves a level playing field
Hi Peeps
well today has been sublime we have traveled a distsnce and found a delightful des res ay Mayon on route to Mongolia. Considering the northern route as no one else has done it!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
takes twenty minutes to download position. I do not know why starting point is centre point is centre of Atlantic?
Anyway we are travelling well decision to be made. North or south route of Mongolia
Sand rain and wind bath for Boris
Hi Peeps
Biblical sand rain storm last night. Cracked on a eventually found an closed hotel that made up a room for us. Russia here we come( in two days)
Boris does the big climb
Hi Peeps
Well today Boris and the boys did a climb from 900m to 3200m down to 2200 then back up to 3250m. Several stops along the way, especially the last climb as it was exceptionally steep. Boris has done more miles today in first gear than the rest in of his life.
It was also rather noisy as Boris had a Brocken connection between his exhaust and the exhaust manifold however after a day of not talking as we could not hear each other we got the exhaust fixed for £4, and we beat him up from £3.
Boris turns down lakeside views for a new clutch
Hi Peeps
Plan was to go through middle of Kyrgyzstan and spend a night alongside a very high lake, 3600mtrs. However road conditions did not suit Boris and we burnt out the clutch trying to get him up the hills. Worked evening and morning but we are back on the road making our way to Bishkek for the 12th.