Interesting Find no 2: The Mongolian Death Worm
### Important Discovery 2
Whilst poking about on the [wikipedia page]( "Gobi Desert") for the Gobi desert I couldn't help but notice a picture. Can you guess which one I'm talking about?  Er yes; if you would avert your attention to picture number three from the left you will notice what appears to be a big red worm.
It is in fact a painting of the Mongolian Death Worm.
It has been described as having a wide body of between 2 and 5 foot in length. They say that the Worm lives underground, hibernating most of the year except for when it becomes active in June and July (we're there in August / Sept which is pretty close). It is reported that this animal is mostly seen on the surface when it rains and the ground is wet (so watch where you pee!).
Fair enough - so it's a big red worm eh... so why all this death business?
Mongolian locals claim it can spew forth sulphuric acid and also create an electrical discharge to kill people from a distance! - No wonder Mongolia is the least densely populated country in the world - they are forced to live a nomadic life, constantly on the run from this monster.
Reading on, I see that the Mongolian Death Worm is in fact a cryptid - a creature whose existance has been suggested but not proven (...not disproven either I hasten to add). Other famous crypids that you may have heard of include:

  [Yeti/Abominable Snowman]( "Yeti")                       [Bigfoot]( "Bigfoot")                                 [Lock Ness Monster]( "the Lock Ness Monster")
Perhaps the Mongol rally is organised by this red worm of death in order to provide the creature with an annual supply of adventurers on which to feed... Do not let your guard down!
Perhaps we can find the legendary Mongolian Death Worm and prove its existance to the world, although I'm sure it would rather live in peace.