Christopher Letters


Arrived in Ulaanbaatar on Sunday evening after 26 hour solid drive, last 400k of which were done without front suspension and leaking fuel after the tank took one too many hits on rough terrain.

Still though, Matilda did us proud rolling up to the finish line with 10849 miles on the clock - even if the restoration team weren't best pleased with the ever expanding pool of petrol spreading out from underneath her!

What followed was our first shower for 9 days, three well deserved nights in the Executive Suite of Hotel Miami, Ulaanbaatar, and much celebration with the other successful rally teams.

Commiserations must go out to Brish, Paul, and Hass, whose Nissan Micra failed to sell at the no-reserve auction... unlucky boys!

We also managed to pay visit to the CNCF ger village to see where the money raised would be put to use. It would be an understatement to say that we were overwhelmed by the amazing work done by the staff and volunteers there. The village hosts 54 children up to the age of 18, many of whom are orphans, and provides for their education, housing and development right through to university.

After what has been an amazing trip over the last six weeks, it only remains to say a massive thankyou to everyone who has contributed and also to our corporate sponsors, without whom this journey would have been impossible!

Also, thank you to the nice guys in Iranian customs who finally saw sense and let us leave the country after four days in the border compound! 

