Joseph Rigby

Joseph Rigby
Of The Mad Hatters
On the The Mongol Rally 2010


Hey guys

We havn't been updating as we ran out of credit first, then signal for the last 3 days! But we have now made it too Mongolia, still in convoy, we've lost one car to the conditions but still have 7, and a few more teams have moved in the we've picked up along the way. So after many wheel changes we are well on the way to Ulaanbaatar

 I've got to be brief but we can give a full update when we hit our final destination

So whilst we have been away we've crossed Kazakhstan through the capital Astana, crossed into Russia, then through the 48 hour border crossing where we slept inside of customs for a while into Mongolia. Only a few miles in we had an epic blow out! The tire literally shredded and as we were on a gravel road with a mountain one side and a large drop the other I was very happy to keep us on the road, when the tire blew we stated to spin out, so after a few sideway slides, turns and more sideways we came to a stop still on the road and alive! The camera died in an unfortunate miscomunnication of an accident but is covered on the insurance.


Now we are on some of the dustiest roads imaginable but having lot's of fun crossing rivers and playing dodgems (only a little)


More soon!

Keep on sending us messages for when we get some signal! 

Joseph Rigby
Of The Mad Hatters
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

Ukraine again - still stuck

We are still stuck in Ukraine, but the good new's is that we have finally found out the problem, (mass airflow sensor chip is knackered) the bad news is that we have to drive a incapacitated car at around 20mph to another city to find a Nissan dealership hopeing they have the part, if they don't we will have to dispose of the car and jump on a train to catch up with the convoy and ride with catch me if you Khan! Fingers crossed they have the part in tomorrow

Keep on texting! 

Joseph Rigby
Of The Mad Hatters
On the The Mongol Rally 2010


Hey guys


We are currently stuck in the Ukraine with a broken car whilst the rest of the convoy is making i's way across the Russian border. We've had a few parts replaced, the fuel filter, pump and the catalytic converter knocked out but still no joy. We will give it a go working our way through the Haynes manual tomorrow before returning to the same garage again on Monday.


Hopefully we will of narrowed the problem down and will be able to do some hard driving to catch up with the convoy!


If it all fails miserably then we have a back up plan, to re-join the convoy by train and travel in the Mac Daddy's mini bus so all is not lost!


We will update with our progress as soon as we have any! Please keep the texts coming with motivational messages! (And donate)