Ian Murphy

Rajasthan, India

finally made it one hundred and thirty km at and average of ten km per hour. Rickshaw is fucked, leaking oil and wont run for more them ten mins without stalling. Having had the engine fixed twice we now think it may be electric problem. Not gonna be able to drive tomorow need to think about options as we cant do three hundred km at that speed. @

Uttar Pradesh, India

spent a night in a fairly nice hotel, went 4 breakfast an as we finished the cockroaches ran out from under r table. Nice! Packed up with a gent poking thru our stuff and left only to discover that someone has drained our petrol tank in the night. Overall tho not bad in comparison to some others!


last night i ended up being fed curry beer and vodka by a very nice indian bloke and even got to go on the internet. The girls didnt come so went hungry. Looks like the service has sorted the overheating problem considering the gunk he took out of the fuel system. looks like we had some bad fuel. however we now have a sticky throttle cable should get that sorted tomorow only needs a spanner. Nice hotel tonight bit of a lie in tomorow as its a short run t agra.

Uttar Pradesh, India

today was fun. five am start broke down before we left the city. Twenty odd breakdowns later we still dont know what the problem really is. Exhaust is six inches shorter as someone ran into the back of us and bent it. No food for us today as we skipped breakfast and cant go outside tonight. stopping in Kanpur tomorow for a service to hopefully sort out this overheating problem and food. Before carrying on to etwah where we have a room organised we think. @

Bihar, India

what an interesting day, a few things u should remember when drivin thru india in a rickshaw, dont drive on a national highway at night coz when the rickshaw dies u r left with no lights or power an trying to push it off by torchlight, after being towed by a taxi we managed to get another driver to take us to a hotel in the nearest city, he pointed at a sign and told it was there. Turns out we were ten kilometres outside the city an he had taken r money an done a runner. Luckily the police in patna r incredibly helpful and took us to relax at the police checkpoint while arranging a taxi to take us the rest of the way, this involved them waving guns at people already in r taxi to get them out and then installing seats 4 us as we like to travel in style! More fun tryin to fix the rickshaw tomorro!

West Bengal, India

run started today, managed first crash on the way to the start line, not our fault by the way. Roads out of the mountain were incredibly bad an we got stuck an had to push about 15 times. managed about 100 kilometres tho which isnt bad. Just going 4 a look around town then an early night coz we need to be on the road by 7 tomorro