Richard Paul

Richard Paul
Of Rick-Rolling
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010


Jaisalmer, time for a beer! We finished up in Jaisalmer a few days ago and had 3 nights staying in what looked like an old palace inside the fort. Spent an evening in the dessert on a camel safari and ate dinner as the sun went down.  Much festivities where had as the teams arrived with the final party sporting great food, beer and fireworks.  Yesterday we left the lovely town of Jaisalmer on an 18 hour train to Delhi, air conditioning made the trip quite pleasant.  Today we watched 'Da Bang' at a local cinema, all in Hindi but a comic mix of Jacky Chan meets Bollywood, what a way to top off a great indian expedition!

Rick rolling signing off.

Richard Paul
Of Rick-Rolling
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010


A slow trip from Pushkar to Johdpur yesterday, had a battery fall out, and Pickle had their exhaust weld break and their carburettor block up constantly.  Still we made it to Johdpur before dark and arrived in the middle of the last day of the Ganesh festival.  Spent today exploring the fort and its amazing views.  Onwards to Jaisalmer tomorrow, the home straight.

Richard Paul
Of Rick-Rolling
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2010

Towards Rajasthan

Work up early this morning to head to the Taj, dispite the drizzing it didn't fail to impress - photos aplenty. We then departed Agra and continued west where we hit another intense storm.  Not to worry, we suited up head to toe in our waterproof gear and sat in the puddle that is the back seat for an hour while the rain and wind buffeted our rickshaw. Once we rode out the storm we entered Rajasthan proper, the humidity dropped while the temperature began to rise, we're thinking the next few days might deliver on the heat we all expected from India.  We continued our streak of 'Toll Busting' whereby we don't pay a cent for any toll roads (although I think either rickshaws or foreigners, or possibly the combination are exempt).  Staying the night in a lovely hotel called Sunder Palace, good rates, roof top terrace with a restaurant. Tomorrow we will get some preventative maintenance on our rickshaw, which to date has had no problems but a fouled spark plug.  While the 'shaw is getting her treatment, we'll be exploring the Jaipur Fort which is rumoured to have elephants! Then its an easy trek up the hill to Pushkar.