Richard McLellan

Richard McLellan
Of WreckRiders
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

A different Russia

Last nights stay was a long way from the decrepid soviet port hugging the Atlantic ocean of the night before. After a wander along the promenade we found a nice spot by the lake to have a BBQ and chill out with some beers. Were also blessed with the company of a drunk Russian who got a bit emotional while struggling to write a message for us on the car. Heading towards St Petersburg today, planning on camping just outside so we can head in tomorrow morning for a couple of days soaking up the city. Looking forward to exploring much more of this diverse country!!

First Signs of Progress

After months of trawling ebay, going to motor auctions and leafing through auto trader, we've finally managed to get our noble steed for the journey: a 2001 Peugeot 106. And what a beauty it is as well! Check out the gallery section. Pimp my Barrow eat your heart out, its time for Pimp my Peugeot. To do list: -Roof rack -Ally fog lights -Loose one of the back seats -Acquire some jerry cans -And last but by no means least - fix the minor suspension issue  The other ongoing task is visa applications as due to our laziness (or as me and mike like to think, ed's incompetence as self appointed organiser) we missed the deadline to use the organisers 'Visa Machine' to sort them all for us. The Russian visa applications are therefore in the post, fingers crossed we should have visas by the end of next week. And if you wondered why we are going through Russia, there's been a bit of a route change due to us now avoiding Iran for various reasons.

If you find yourself in a position to donate any of the parts required to sort out the car they would be more than welcome! If not, don't forget to donate via the Just Giving widget on the left of the page (don't pretend you havn't seen it!) 1 final thing:  THE BIG PINK PALACE SUMMER FESTIVAL 5th June Looks to be a great day, and a fantastic opportunity to raise loads more monies for the Christina Noble Childrens Foundation.!/event.php?eid=119601224747318&ref=ts Cheers for your support Rich