Matt Patterson

Team member change

Good and bad news for Team Road Rajah this week.   Tom is moving back to New Zeland this fall from London so he will not be able to make the trip.  In his place is Anthony, another researcher at the same centre in Ireland that Matt and Declan work at.  We're sad that Tom won't be able to make it, but Anthony will be a great addition to our entourage.  The only problem might be fitting Anthony into the Rickshaw as he is 6ft4in.  Matt and Dec are both around 6ft2in, so they will be having a hard enough time as well.   Planning is coming along, we will book flights this week and hopefully Dec can get his new passport before he leaves to work in Cali for the summer.

 Here's Anthony contemplating the meaning of life-


Cliffs of Moher

Dec and I and a few others were on the West coast of Ireland last weekend for a bit of surfing and craic (as they say in Ireland).    We swung by the massive Cliffs of Moher - 200m above the open Atlantic ocean.  As I poked my head over the side I was gripped with fear.  I found myself thinking about driving across a potentially dangerous land that I know nothing about in a rick-shaw where I can't speak the language.  Am I crazy?? 
