Daryl O\\\\\\\'Flynn

5 days in, broken bikes & men

IT's been 5 days since Cuzco I think and we are camped up in Ayachuco....

A day to get the mototaxis back to a motoring level, if that is possible.. It really goes like a drunken mule.

Quick synopsis on the events so fat..


Day 1- slept on the floor of a police station

Day 2- Foolishly thought we could make Andahualays, ended up camping in an old abondoned shed wioth half a roof at 4020m alt.

Day 3- Bike breaks:gaskets, valve springs, block cracks etc.... small stuff really. Checked into a 'nice' hostal to get a bed. the place was full of drug dealers and hookers. I slept in my sleeping bag wishing I had pitched a tent.

Day 4- Another breakdown, inlet manifold on Team gang greens bike: stuck up on the andes to camp Again at 4300m, bloody cold.

Day 5- Ayachuco... thank the lord. a nice hotel and some dencent mechanics to get the bikes back in shape. I hardly know myself. Payed a couple of locals to bring their pickup truck 70km into the mountains to get the other mototaxi...this wagon had a hole where my feet should be and I held the fuel tank in my hands...Top class machinery here.... top class.


I wanted some adventure but just for today I want nothing at all.....drained ain't the word..this is not a holiday, it's a pilgrimage of shoddy machinery and lots of tinned tuna.. See you further up the road... Huancayo here we come..!!!