Richard Green

Richard Green
Of Two Green Men
On the The Mongol Rally 2010


Last couple of days have involved some horrendous travelling by normal standards. Drove thru desert for 10+ horrs and slept in tent in desert by side of sand track. Left Aral on the sea (not). Tough but good hard drive south. Major road works put us miles and miles into desert. Low fuel and water but ok. If it sounds tough it is the good challenge. And there are lots of good bits too. Just stopped having linked with two teams for a paddle in lake neat Baikonur. The dust and sand from the traffic turn the sun red in the day and dim the moon at night.

Richard Green
Of Two Green Men
On the The Mongol Rally 2010

A New Plan

We have changed our minds. Well sort of.

We had planned to go to Goodwood this evening and participate in the footie antics and sundry fun and games. A late invitation to a curry and a couple of good bottles of wine, not to mention the last chance to sleep in a decent bed for the next few weeks was  too strong a call to deny.

Yet it has been a good day. The pound bought a few more dollars than expected. everything does actually fit in and around the car. The fully laden test drive worked really well if only for a small fraction of the total journey. Lots of calls and texts from family and friends and some excellent support right up to the wire.

Found a bit of extra space for some reading material to support the maps and travel guides. terry Pratchett and tom Sharpe won over anything more serious andI found two really nice bottles of whiskey that need to be consumed in the early stages of what might become a very dry event.

All set for an early start tomorrow to join the party and festival of slow before 11am.