Travis Senor

Travis Senor
Of 3men1tuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2011

The Chase

We are all chasing something. Some chase glory, some fame, some love, some money, or some a sense of purpose. Are we here because we because we are chasing any of these things? Why do any of us adventure in the first place?

On the face of it, a two week romp with your mates across the Indian subcontinent just sounds like a damn good time. But there is some deeper reason we're going, some deeper reason why we all go. To make the world less boring? It's something more than that. It's something almost primal, something calling out from beyond the veil of our experience. Perhaps we hope to find some part of ourselves that was hitherto unknown to us. 

There is something to be said for willingly living outside of your comfort zone, even if only for a short while. The experience is enlightening at best, and terrifying and sobering at worst. But what each person finds in that experience is different. There is no question that this adventure is going to fall squarely within that paradigm, but I still can't help but speculate on what might be waiting for us there. Will we find ourselves capable of things we had not anticipated? Will we find some kind of enlightenment or catharsis? How will we rate against the task set before us? 

There is no fear in these words, nor apprehension, but a slow feeling of expectant curiosity and halting wonder at what we might be at the end of all of this. 

I do not know if these are questions we can hope to answer in these early stages, but maybe at the end of this long road we will have found whatever it is we were looking for. 

Travis Senor
Of 3men1tuk
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2011

First Steps

Four years ago the three of us happened upon this insane adventure known as the Rickshaw Run. After waiting many seasons for the right opportunity, we're finally going.

Our goal is to take our little 2-stroke auto-rickshaw across 3,000 miles of jungle, mountains, and desert in Northern India and Nepal. There's no way to know for sure if we'll actually make it, but we sure as hell are going to try. It's not going to be easy, but it is certainly going to be fun. Well, at least some of the time.

But there is still much to do before we even get to the start line. Visas, vaccines, border crossings, licenses...the list is long, and possibly sometimes painful. We're taking our first steps on what will surely be a long and rewarding road. Though, we're pretty sure that sometimes there won't even be a road, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it...assuming there are bridges. Crap. What have we gotten ourselves into? 

So follow along with us here. Watch for updates, photos, and news from the road. This is our story, but you can be just as much a part of it as we are. Donate to our charities, sponsor us, get your name on our tuk-tuk or website. Be part of the Rickshaw Run, even if you can't hop in the tuk-tuk with us. In fact, you'd probably be wise not to!