Miles Blayden-Ryall

Altay, China

After five breakdowns yesturday, we finally rolled into Altai around midnight... A few rowdy Mongolians and the threat of Marc getting stabbed... Could of dampered our spirits but they remind us too much of Ewok's to really take them seriously... Hot shower, bottle of vodka and a badly dubed film were very welcome. We are currently trying to get new shockys fitted on Garrie... Hopefully she will be happy to carry on today!!! However the rumours of a 1meter high river are a little daunting...

Astana, Kazakhstan

Went for a paddle in the big lake on the map and then drove the rest of the 1200km journey up to one go! Now that's some serious rallying folks! We then spent a night in the life size theme park known as Astana and are know making our way to the Russian border to begin the traverse into Mingolia. Wish us luck!!!

Almaty Province, Kazakhstan

We've had a wicked couple of nights in Almaty and we are now on our way to Astana... Just bumped in to a Chinese Convoy consisting of about 10 4x4's on a rally to Greece; "the birthplace of human civilization" ... Lot's of photo's ; ) ... Now: on the road again ... Might stop off an ** some text is missing **

Odesa, Ukraine

The convoy had some car trouble and a member had to be towed by the transit van. Nevertheless we made it to Odesa and managed to find a 2 person room for the 3 of us so Nick very kindly dawned his mossy net and slept on the balcony. We are now heading for a Ukrainian dance festival or a boogy.@