Day 10 Varanassi

Well, we have arrived in Varanassi (or myself and Muff have) - 30 hours on the train in a second class sleeper. The conditions were fine, nice sleeper all the time and not too cramped. Air Conditioned and very pleasant. 

On arrival to Varanassi I got blessed within seconds, I had little choice but the lovely red and yellow spot on my head cost me a few rupees.

 Varanaasi seems crazy, very very busy and not as friendly other places. They can see the dollar sign on your forehead alright, everyone seems on the con. 

Bunnychows tuk tuk arrived with us so she has been to the mechanic - after a few hours they are still streuggling, no lights and the beast wont start - more hours at the mechanic today.

Our baby is running a lot better so hopefully she will arrive with Tom later, mgo through the formalities at the station, should only take a couple of hours! Then she willbe off to the mechanic for a quick service.

Tonight we intend to go down to the Ganges and get a boat - I have not been yet but Bunnychow say it is mad down there, cremations going on everywhere before they send the deceased down the river. Appartently you cant move down there hence the boat. Hopefully should be there for sunset.

There are cows everywhere here, and I mean everywhere, in hotel receptions, shops, in the middle of the road, everywhere. Not seen one heading to McDonalds yet, funny that. 

Plan is to head off early tomorrow and cover some KMs, need to check out the map and see if shillong is in our reach in 3 days, hoping so but who knows here....


Will add some pics later if I can.....

Love to all - up the blues!  

Day 5

WHAT DO PEOPLE LOVE ABOUT INDIA? ... thats what I came to find out. 

 Well,  another interesting day, we are still in Goa!! Sea front views, cold beer, chilling out, I wish! For those who think we are taking it easy are wrong! Ok, we had a bit of a lie in and got up about 09:00, bit of breakfast, then hit the road. One thing I have found on this trip, is that a plan is a plan, however, it is only likely to last about an hour, as things change so quickly!

We are still on the road with bunnychow express, good lads, who I hope will keep us company on this crazy adventure we find ourselves on. After leaving this moring we heading about 60KM up into Goa, our aim, was Margao, and more inmportantly the train station. You may be at home thinking thats lazy, but for those that have been to India you will know how difficult things are. We arrived and things looked positive, we blagged the charity thing and spoke to the station master, who to be fair, did his best to sort things out. 3 hours later, still no confirmed train, our only hope was to go to Mumbai, but then we would be on our own with no guarantee of an onward journey.... my what a roller coaster this is, hopes are high, then battered quickly. We decided against the idea, and a new plan came to mind, we would head to Hyderabad, a 2 day journey by Tuk, then, if all goes well, maybe get the train to the north. We so need to get some time back otherwise Shillong wont happen!

Bunnychow had somehow managed to break their engine, not completely battered, just somehow managed to disconnect it completely from the chassis. A local tuk tuk man took them from the station, 25 mins to get spare parts, then brought them back, spent an hour on the engine and hey ho, all fixed. They offered him money but he decline, they of course forced 200 RPS on him, (2.50!), he reluctantly accepted.... amazing! The generosity is unbelievable. These guys do not have a pot to pee in, yet they will take 2 hours out of their day to make you ok!.... they do however all have mobiles, as above, no pot to pee in, but hey, who would live without a mobile!

 Morale suffering we drove back into Benaulim to find a place to crash, easy right??. NO NO NO, 2.5 hours later, we finally find a place. With a 350KM target this was the least we needed.... we found a bar though and ordered food and a well deserved beer. 

Being the focus of attention, we met a local friend, Shiva, a simple looking guy but he spoke good english. He asked where we were from, we of course said england and Birmgham. Edgebaston or Mosely he asks?... slightly taken by surprise we reply with Stratford/Warwick way, he comes back with the postcode of CV34! Bunnychow then real off Places in london, he again comes back with the postcodes. After a bit of a game we real off places in Leeds, London, Manchester etc, he knew them all. He then asks what we are doing, and we ask if he can help us out. Without a second thought, the next thing we know he is in a Tuk Tuk and off, heading 30 mins into town to sort us out with a lorry to take 2 tuk tuks and head east... a little wary (he took out map!) but our hopes were now up again!... the next hour we drink some beer and eat, then we get the call, NO LORRY!!!, what a roller coaster this is...Shiva comes back though, and relentless, he makes more and more calls... another hour passes and guess what?! Another plan !!

Shiva bless him, he is now getting public transport and making hs own way ti Hublee, its only 250KM away! He has supposedly arranged for a train and will meet us there, it is on our way to Hydrabad anyway so we cant lose. He has friends there who will also do some calls, our hopes are high!!! 

The 4 tuk tuks from Hong Kong turned up too!! We are not last, again boosting morale! 

India is a dive, there is no getting away from it, but the people are amazing,

Now I know, this is why people love India!!!!

We are all tired, 05:00 start tomorrow, sleep needed so have to go.... Love to all those who are reading, especially my lovely laura... love you loads and miss you more, and Benjy, miss you loads too mate and cant wat to see you... you should be busy revising so hopefully you are not missing me! ;-)..... the others are not here now but I am sure they both send huge hugs and kisses to all of those close.... Huble here we come!! Blog Soon..!!!Â