Aaron Zieltjes

Day 4

Another early start.  On the road by sunrise.  Bitten to bits overnight.

Decided to take it easy on Princess today but instead James and Aaron hit judderbars at full speed (50kmh).  Lost a few bolts.  Oil problem worse.

Good roads today so we made our target and reached Hampi on time.  Beautiful area.  Watched amazing sunset from mountain top temple.

Princess with mechanic again....getting the full treatment this time.

Time for a beer.  Will write more next time

All going well.  Loving it.

Day 3

Started the day seeing a mechanic.  Ended the day seeing a mechanic.

In between we climbed a mountain through a national park.  Narrow roads and "Princess" our tuk tuk spent a fair amount of time jumping off the road to avoid trucks and buses.  Judderbars hit at reasonable speed.  Brakes burnt out on way down.

Beautiful scenery.  Well worth the effort.

Ended up in Shimoga.  Oil leak still not fixed but now have super brakes.

Day 2

20km after leaving hotel we had to spend 3 hours at the mechanics....turns out we started the rickshaw run with only half a fan.  Oil problem not fixed.

Ended the day by racing another team formula one style. Unfortunately we ran out of petrol....still won the race though as they ran out 500m later.  Ended up in Kasaragod.

Lost one of the flags during the race...


Day 1

All 60 odd teams met at the parade ground in Cochin in the morning before going our separate ways....nearly didint cross the start line after stalling and not being able to start again!  Eventually got on ferry and away we went.

Golden rule was no night driving.  Instead we drove through lightening storm and finally found a bed at 1am in Quilandi :)

All going well.

Cochi Preparations


Two of us are in Kochi, waiting for james to arrive tomorrow night.

 Yesterday was spent driving around on a scooter organising sound system, cushions, tools and stuff, 

 Couldn't have a beer till 5pm due to elections and and all the pubs being shut - its rather warm over here

 Missed the first meeting last night, due to James giving us the wrong times.  We weren't the only team to miss the meeting, due to us convincing them that our time for the meeting was right, and joining us for a beer.

 Picked up the Tuk Tuk this morning, started first go, gave it a good test run around town.  Ran out of petrol after 5 minutes and broke down as we were returning it.  we love our our Tuk Tuk, surprisingly spacious as well!! getting it painted tomorrow.

 Looks like we are pretty much all set to go. 

 Will put some photos up in the next day or so.