Andrew Hoe

Um, suppose we'd better start doing something?

It all seemed such a long way off in September when we signed up for this thing and now it's only eight months away and we need to start planning - routes, permits, visas, what to take, what to try and visit and what drugs to take to combat the various illnesses we're bound to get struck down with.

We've also got to pull our fingers out regarding fundraising. The beginning of 2011 was when we were going to start and here it is! Instead of getting lots of cash at the moment, we seem to be getting comments that we're going to die instead. Very useful but not as useful as a bunch of tenners!

If you have any fundraising ideas or sponsorship opportunities, please get in touch with me at [email protected] and I'll get straight back to you!

Please pass this site on to everyone you know who likes handing over money and we'll hopefully get underway for a couple of very worthwhile causes.

