Phil Elkins

Hyderabad, India

It's been a hard day for our little tuktuk, we've had a bust bolt that connects the silencer, a knackered spark plug connector, a broken spark plug, ran out of fuel twice and a puncture all of which have been fixed either by ourselves or with the help of locals for a pricely 290 rupees (a shade over 4 quid!

Large map

Hi everyone.

 The planning has started! Chris and I spent a few hours looking at a map of India the other night. The map nearly took up the whole living room and was certainly bigger than a TukTuk. I think the enormity of the challenge has just hit us. I think we better book flights before one of us gets scared about travelling all the way across one of the biggest countries in the world under the power of only 7bhp. Plus, my record for accidents isn;t fantastic so Chris may want to check his travel insurance.

We will try to keep you all informed with the planning as we go.


Phil and Chris