Francisco Sanches

A different adventure

By Pedro Let me start by saying everything that can be done has been done! Fact: I got bitten by a dog in the streets of Mysore. Fact: 45 minutes after the incident I was in the Hospital receiving the Rabies treatment. Fact: I was scared shitless for some time. Fact: everything that had to be done in case of such an accident was done. Fact: I still have two more shots to take in the next month. Fact: not feeling violent! That was it! I will keep you posted! 

Warning: Update frequency

We have been lacking on the photos and blog entries due to lack of Internet access and last minute preparations that took us lots of time.

We are gathering the photos, descriptions and tales and we'll be posting all this info as soon as possible (and Internet access permits).

1st step

The concept of the Rickshaw run is gradually settling on our minds and the questions start to arise...

Where do we start from? Cochin, it has an airport (not an international one so we need to get to India first and then catch a flight to Cochin).

Where do we end? Shillon. There is a small airport at Umroi****, about 35 km from Shillong. Boeing Air Alliances Flights (50 seaters) operate on this route.

Some more questions still seeking answer:

Exact date, time and place we have to be there?

Exact date, time and place of the ending party?

Checklist of stuff to take

Probable Route


It's the start of a beautiful adventure