Sarah Davidson

The Coast Road - very little coast and a whole lot of cows


Here we are sat in a nice little seaside town called Gopalpur-on-Sea, which is pretty well the first we've seen of the sea since Mamallapuran (another nice little village by the sea). Apparenlty once very popular for British holiday makers, now not so much. It is a lovely little place with very friendly people, children who are far too young and intelligent to be working in family resaurants at 9 at night and a bit of a stop of for a few other Rickshaw Runners. After four days of not seeing another team, all of a sudden there are about six teams here.

We made it out of the state of Tamil Nadu and into the wonder that is Andra Pradesh. According to the lonely planet we needed to dig deep to find charm in this fair state, and they were right. Although we did find some in a nice 'little' city called Ongole. I'm not really sure what is was about that place, just a good vibe I think.

THe next night was a a place that wasn't even on the map and then a very long drive dodging cows and spilled lorry loads to get us where we are tonight, over the state boarder into Orissa. Thanks for having us Orissa!!

So far it's been a bit of a long slog trying to get up this coastal highway, which is about 20km from the sea, to Kolcutta and then into the beautiful hills to drink tea and look at the mountains. Wishful thinking? Probably!! BUt that's my story and I'm sticking ot it!!