Rajasthan, India
Relaxing drive to Jodhpur. No early starts as the roads here are some of the best in India. Got in some beers as this is ou ** some text is missing **
Rajasthan, India
Relaxing drive to Jodhpur. No early starts as the roads here are some of the best in India. Got in some beers as this is ou ** some text is missing **
Uttar Pradesh, India
Left Agra at 6ish this morning. On the highway heading for Jaipur. Had a day off yesterday as we drove 400km in 14hours the day before.
Uttar Pradesh, India
Late start today. Had a dip in the Ganges to wash away my sins. Nice place to visit but need to bring lots of mosquito repellent.
Bihar, India
Drove south to Bodhgaya from Patna to see the site where Buddha is said to have obtained enlightenment. Such a peaceful place ** some text is missing **
Bihar, India
Just arrived in Patna. Lots of traffic on the route in. Very aggressive driving to get here. scary stuff at times. But we are here now and enjoying a well deserved cold beer.
In Bihar on way to Patna
Ented Bihar yesterday and covered a lot of ground thanks to the East West highway. Possibly the best road in India. Got to Katihar at 3pm to visit the Bijaj garage to repair the 2 Fat 2 Furious rickshaw. Heading to Patna now. The roads are now extremely bumpy and in poor condition. It's very difficult to write this blog from the rickshaw. Not getting time to go to an internet cafe at the moment. The journey to here has been great. The weather has been hot for the past 3 days. A contrast from the monsoon rain we experience driving down the mountain from Shillong. That's all for now Mahul.
GuideStar India

GuideStar India

First Meeting - 20101019
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First Meeting - 20101019
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