Maharashtra, India
Day Five: The Rickshaw's rattles are becoming more annoying by the minute - we can barely hear ourselves! We decide to get it checked out by a mechanic in a local village a few km away. Turns out the bolt connecting the exhaust to the chassis is missing! Add to this no functions from the light buttons on the handlebars (if we want the main light on we have to twist two cables together), the welding on the support struts popping free and numerous missing screws and bolts it's a miracle we even got to Mumbai. Our Rick is shaking itself apart! Note to any future teams...DO NOT DRIVE THROUGH MUMBAI (especially at night). Oh, James has Delhi Belly. Longest day yet but despite our problems we managed a staggering 450Kms!@
Rajasthan, India
Our first update is a little late but so are we! Day One we spent travelling to Jodhpur from Jaisalmer - 10 hours of desert in any direction. Got in at 23:30, night time driving is fun! Day Two we spend the morning tweaking our Rick, now we don't have to push-start anymore. Leave at 14:30, ouch, only make it to Sanderao, 175km short. Day Three we ploughed through the astonishing Aravalli Hills (got some great footage) and survived the chaos of Udaipur to behold the floating palace. It's very indian-beautiful, peaceful and very dirty! Did 100km in 2 hours towards Ahmedabad, road is smooooth, which makes a change. Over 300km today, AWESOME! The Rick is holding up well despite some mischievous rattles and a collapsed wheel arch...but that wasn't our fault!
Pre-Run Fun
We arrived in Delhi early this morning and so far have:
1 - Been asked by airport security whether my teamate and I are a gay couple and use the gaffa tape and cable ties in the bedroom.
2 - Joked with airline check-in that my bad contains a chopped-up 15 year-old, to be precise
3 - Missed our train from Delhi (NOT New Delhi) Station and can only currently get ourselves to Jodhpur, 300km from the start line.
All in a day's work!
Rickshaw Pimping

Rickshaw Pimping

Charity Band Night - December 9th 2011

Charity Band Night - December 9th 2011

Less than a month!!!
Less than a month to go until we depart for our pan-Indian adventure -we're relieved to have our passports back, VISAs complete within.
Rickshaw pimped-up paint job submitted - it's gonna look **AWESOME**, and that's before we add our bling sound-system, night-light, solar powered charger and funky car horn!
All preparations (nearly) complete for our [charity band night]( "Charity Band Night - HELL YEAH!") on Dec 9th - London Rick-Runners don't miss this!
Old band PA system excavated from my teenage years and EVERYTHING works - this night is gonna be **ALL KILLER AND NO FILLER!**
Charity Band Night
Total raised to date?
We've impressed even ourselves, but we're still not happy, that's why we're holding an epically mammoth aurally orgasmic charity band night on Dec 9th. 4 bands, 1 DJ, bar open until 2am and the best thing??? We get the venue for free.
Huge thanks to The Cabbage Patch! Let's smash our target before we even depart, hell yeehaw!!!
New update from Twitter
Week One of our charity poker tournament and we've already raised