Hiten Vaghela

Hiten Vaghela
Of Rick 'n' Roll
On the The Rickshaw Run Autumn 2011

GuideStar India

Great news folks, with the Help of GuideStar India, we will be visiting various charities/ngos on our route!

We are hoping to give the the charities a little foot print on the net, and a chance for them to tell us who they are, what they do and what they are trying to achieve! Due to GuideStar India's help Team Rick'n'Roll have the opportunity to see first hand the great work charities do over here in India and we would like to share what we see with you all!

GuideStar India ([www.guidestarindia.org](http://www.guidestarindia.org)) is India’s first fully search able online database of reliable and comparable information on over 1200 NGOs & 5000+ documents and provides access to 30,000+ NGOs by email. GuideStar India makes it easy, for all those interested in supporting the underprivileged, to find NGO(s) of their choice and use information to direct their giving to the most deserving.

Through GuideStar India, donors and volunteers have connected with NGOs; foundations have enrolled NGO participants for training and sourced applications for grants & other programmes.

It takes just 3 documents and less than 30 minutes for an NGO to register at zero cost. Featured organisations have undergone different levels of due diligence.

With 10,000+ visitors and over 86000 page views, GuideStar India is emerging as the first place to look for NGOs in India. With a range of services to organisations and individuals (outreach to NGOs across India, datasets in ready to use formats and due diligence services based on user-defined criteria), GuideStar India provides the much needed impetus to India’s growing philanthropy.


Paris Marathon

The Paris Marathon is now one week away, and boy am I nervous...

I have trained hard and am looking forward to hopefully completing the run with my two mates Abdul and Hason, in decent time! 4 hours hopefully!

I just wanted to take time out from my hectic training schedule to thank every for there support and encouragement ... hopefully I wont let anyone down!

We have recently had a big push in donations for Frank Water Projects and Operation smile, which we are very grateful for ... please keep the donations coming!

peace out


(Team Chairman)