Finish line!!!!
Hello people!!
We have arrived at our destination!!! We have finished the race!! We are alive!!! Â
We are now in Jaisalmer. We have made it across some of the worst roads i have seen, unscathed!! We arrived about 18:00 last night  at the palace with a huge smile and a sigh of relief!! We signed the massive finishin chart and got stuck straight into the beers. Of course!! There is a pool at the back of the palace so we just mingled with other fellow rickshawers and shared our tales of stupidity and dangers we have endured! There was a big party last night with a traditional indian band playin and a dj to see us through the night!Â
So now we are in the desert we are thinkin about maybe going on a camel trek or going to discover a little more of this unbelievable country!! Who knows but for now its time to chill, drink some chai, swap photos, get a sun tan and finally after 2 weeks in the tuk tuk RELAX!!
 So i thank all of you who has donated for this worthy course it was truely a memorable trip!! There is still time to sponsor aswell. We still have a month after the race to keep the sponsors coming in so tell all your friends!! Will give another update when possible. Oh and to let you know we came around 58th i think!!!
Thanks love Tuk Tac Toe!! xxxÂ
Week 2 - The professionals

Week 2 - The professionals

Hello people!! Ok to start with and to let you into a little secret we never made it to Varanasi!! We in fact made it 37 kms past the city and somewhere on the number 2 highway!!. So we decided to stop for dinner in a local truck stop and make a new plan. Truck stop i mean a hut with a plastic sheet as a roof but will serve an incredible chai without fail!! We decided to carry on through the night and head to Allahabad. We were going to stay the night there but the stars were out it was really humid and we all felt ok, so we tukked on to Kanpur. We didnt even stay there too so we tukked on to Agra. The home of the Taj Mahal!! All in all with a two hour sleep, several 30 mins stops and refueling stops we made it to Agra. It was an epic journey which consisted of a day and a half in the tuk tuk and around 850 kms ish!! Of course there were a few mishaps along the way including having to bribe the police with 200 rupees!! We didnt even do anything wrong!! Brendan stepping on a land mine ( a big pile of cow shit really!!) Me getting my feet hit with a big metal pole as i was snoozing in the back!! We slept in another field for 2 hours and were rudely awakened by some ferral dogs so on the road we were again. so to conclude we are off to the taj mahal today then heading to rajasthan. The final leg of the race. Its where the desert is so im sure there will be a few more incidents to inform you on!!But as you could imagine therel are many more to tell but with lack of time and internet this will have to do for now!! Love Love Tuk Tac Toe!!
Hello everybody!!
Right here is an update of the first 6 days of our crazy race across India. We left the startline Shillong heading for Guwahati for the first stop and to get use to the Tuk Tuk. It had to bea monsoonal downpour didnt it but we battled through and made it. Then we had no idea where we going on day 2 so we just headed west as we know the finish line is over there somewhere. We eevntually stopped after an epic journey over potholes the size of craters in a tiny place apparently which was a refugee camp and slept on the lawn under the stars!! Of course out came the Mozzy net. We proceeded on day 3 to Silliguri. We met up with our other tem (The Bob Linhart experience) a long the way and stayed the night in a cock roach infested hotel but it was worth it for 3 euros!! Day 4 was a big drive with still no troubles to the Tuk Tuk which ended with us staying in a hotel next to a gas station and playing an epic game of cricket with hostel school teachers, kids, petrol pump workers and the boys!! We met up with another team who were passing through and yet again dived into another curry and sank some beers!! STANDARD!! Day 5 saw the biggest drive yet. We drove for 360 kms and ended up at Bodhgaya (we also crossed the mighty River Ganges for the first time!!) this is the place where the Emperor Buddha found enlightenment in 620BC. We visited the temple and enjoyed a break from the tuk tuk to refresh and recharge everything. Tomorrow we hit the road again to the colourful and vibrant city of Varanasi. Watch out for more blog updates, photos and videos coming soon!!!