San Mateo, Peru
Moving to the relative safety of the highways and flat desert, we're nearly at Lima. The downside of course is more police. Thankfully, most of them are happy to take fines themselves to save us the hassle of having to go to a police station.
San Isidro, Peru
Got the taxi all fixed up this morni
Izcuchaca, Peru
Apparently it's wet season. Mudslides, roads disappearing under rivers and lack of traction aside, we made it to Izcuchaca on only two wheels! After fixing the taxi up tomorrow, we've got a few days of highway, woohoo.
Huancavelica, Peru
Power cut engulfing the entire town. Feels quite Hostel-ly, getting out of here first thing.
Huancavelica, Peru
Awful day today after yesterday's momentous effort. Broke down 3 times in the middle of a goddamn desert. Battered, bruised and dehydrated we trundled into the sleepy little town of Mayocc and have called it a day. Tomorrow has to be big.
Andahuaylas District, Peru
Had a nightmare couple of days, and have finally made it to Andahuaylas, with lots of breakages along the way (just taxi, not legs).
Limatambo, Peru
Against all odds we had a great first afternoon, knocking off our first 84km and tackling some of the hardest driving just getting out of Cusco.
Baby, we're ready to goooo
That's it. The lovely Pandora is completely fixed and pimped out (aside from brakes, throttle, idling rev, no battery, permanent brake lights and suspect 2nd gear) which means we're ready to set forth into the great Peruvian yonder.
Feeling slightly worse for wear 'cos we hooned it' last night, we spent the day pushing her to the limits of motoring capability, while dragging ourselves to the limits of hanging like dogs.  We managed 10mph in 2nd up a slight incline. Apparently there's a massive hilly mountain just outside of Cusco, which I doubt we'll make on the first attempt. Look forward to our blog in 5 days when we finally get off the start.
¡Feliz Año Nuevo!
Cusco, Peru
Having conquered altitude sickness with a medically advised combination of alcohol, cigars, coca tea, partying, sunburn and sleep deprivation, we were today finally introduced to our ride.
Good news - we've inherited Plan F's (of previous junket fame) steed, which means it's got some miles under it and has already seen the trials ahead.
Bad news - rumour has it that they only made it a third of the way before abandoning it. She refused to start this morning, doesn't have any brakes, and goes haywire if left idleing for more than a few seconds. But she does have comedy number plates.
Pictures and videos to follow shortly, but for now we'll leave you with a quote of Martin's. While attempting to confirm the dosage for his #ahem# 'dehydratrion' pills - "So, uno every eight hours, s�"