Alex Lemke

One Day To Go

With one day to go team Tweed Express can't do anymore to prepare, we are all packed and ready for our little adventure.

A MASSIVE THANK YOU to every single person who has donated their hard earned money to either one of our charities, Frank Water and WaterAid. We have overtaken our £1000 target for Frank Water and gone on to raise £1130, and raised £1338 of our £1500 target for WaterAid. Not quite there but theres still time!

We will be doing our best to keep you updated throughout the trip, depending on whether or not we can connect to the internet, and we'll be uploading a few pictures when we can too!

 Once again thank you to everyone who has donated.

Alex Lemke
Of Tweed Express
On the The Rickshaw Run Spring 2012

And so it begins

So we have begun, slowly but surely, 4 months after signing up to embark on an epic Rickshaw Run adventure, team TWEED EXPRESS stokes its fire and starts the build up to April 2012.

 2 Just Giving websites have been setup to help us raise the cash for our two charities, [FRANK Water ]( [WaterAid]( A ***big*** thank you goes to our first donor Maggie Mattock (Chris' mum) for our first (and substantial) donation of £100, here's hoping its the start of a trend of similar donations!

We'll keep you posted in the coming months of how we're getting on and hopefully get a few 'pimping' design ideas up for you to laugh at as well.