Emile Jansen

It has begun

ok so i haverealized that no one can really prepare you for what india holds n store.

to give you a quick update: i arrived in india monday  morning after the comfort and luxury of my home in cape town, and thigs did not start well.  my car broke down on the way to the airport, so i dont know if its a taste of things to come and the first of many, or if that will be all my break downs for india out of the way? i doubt it!!! arrived in delhi, imediately took a 5 hour cab to agra to see the taj (well worth it i might add) and then back to delhi today to fly to cochi to meet up with my fellow adventurists to get the ball rolling on this race. all i can say to austin nd fairy, is i hope your prepared.

So just to give you a quick introduction of what i have learnt in india in my first to days:

#1 - You can drive wherever you want! there is no left or right or wrong or right! anything goes

#2 - you can only eat so many cheese naans in two days! but im gonna keep going!

#3 - there is no such thing as too much hooter blowing or honking! hopefully our tuk tuk has a proper one to compete with the symphonies on the high way!


That was just  a quick update, im sure there is a lot more that i will learn and experience! so stay tuned and you can experience it all with austin, fairy and myself in the month to come. 

So everyone can rest assured that i arrived alive, and catch you all soon
