Andrew Morgan

Day 26 - Leh

Today Bel would not even entertain the idea of getting out of bed.

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 Andrew sustained 3rd degree burns whilst pouring boiling water into a near frozen glass bottle, trying to make Bel some milk from Coffee Whitener (He was warned)...

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After kicking Bel a few times more, checking that she still had at least a weak pulse and wasnt coughing up too much blood.... Damo and Morgs went up the mountain that they had been trying to coax Bel up all morning.

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 This is the Castle of king Tashi Nagmial at Tsemo and the red Namgyal Gompa both from the 15th Century

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 This is the 3 story tall Maitreya Buddha within the Tsemo Gompa, Leh 

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 The view from the Castle is spectacular.

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 We caught a Taxi up to the Castle but could see how the Monks make their way up from the Nagmial Tsemo Monastery so decided to walk down.

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 The Nagmial Tsemo Monastery. It cost a $1 or something to go inside... but we went down to to see how Bel wa doing

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 Dogs here are pretty cute![p1020847_1024x768](ulimages/userstore/66120/day_26/p1020847_1024x768.jpg "p1020847_1024x768")

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After getting back belinda was only slightly better and still in bed.

Our 3 story guest house had a staicase right up to the roof. As the sun set Damo took the last photos of the day

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Day 25 Leh (Himalaya) - Riding the Royal Enfields

Day 25 Leh (Himalaya) - Riding the Royal Enfields

Someone would not get up.... Harden up princess, Who cares about your altitude sickness, Take a look outside! The view is fantastic.

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Eventually (Bout 10:30ish) we managed to coax Bel out of Bed. ![img_0505_1024x768](ulimages/userstore/66120/day_25/img_0505_1024x768.jpg "img_0505_1024x768")

Who's up for a Tibetan for breakfast? Morgs and Bel ordered the vege momos. Damo ordered the yak cheese omelet but then when Belinda sensed confusion within the waiters eyes, Damo was dispatched to the kitchen to confirm his order. His order eventually came out as a 1/2 serving of Momos + Vegetable soup (Dispite Damo insisting it was all sorted after the kitchen visit).

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With out a doubt, the hiring of 3 Royal Enfield bikes for the arvo will be remembered/talked about for ages. Morgs and Bel were in absolute heaven,

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Bel and Morgs came this close >< to signing paperwork having them shipped back home ASAP. They can still be caught wispering about what an absolute bargin the costs will be... (Watch this space for the Enfields imminent arrival in Australia).

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Day 9 Culicut to Mangalore

Very tired tonight.

Lets see. Breakfast  - 3 curries and tapioca, 3 chai tea's and 3 round savory donuts - $1.60 AUD in total. Cheap.


Luggage rack ontop of rickshaw broke and needed fixing. Cost for 1 hour repair and welding of roof rack - $1.60 AUD. These people dropped everything when we rocked up, and began work immediately. They love their photo taken with our sunglasses.


$1.60...I suspect we're getting ripped off. 

Day 8 - Race Start & Bribing the ferry man

After the Rickshaw Run party last night, we were a bit slow to get moving. Everything in India seems to run over time or not on time at why bother making a effort to be on time?? Wake up late, have breakfast late, get petrol late, arrive late at parade grounds for race start and madly try and finish pimping the Rickshaw.![img_0456_640x480](ulimages/userstore/66120/day_6/img_0456_640x480.jpg "img_0456_640x480")

Once the race had started, it was mad rush to get to the ferry / barge. Catching this 10 minutes ferry ride can save you 2 hours. If you dont catch the ferry, the only other option is to drive through Kochi city - this was not on our cards.

After arriving at the ferry / barge point, we found a line of cars and rickshaws eager to get on. Seeing that this was not condusive to our aim at being first, we jumped out of the rickshaw and put a 500 rupee note in front of the ferry boss. He then stopped all traffic coming on the ferry and allowed us to jump the que. We were now the fist and only rickshaw on the ferry to depart Kochi.

Great success. Everyone has a price - the ferry mans is 500 rupees.

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With Damos taxi driving experience, we made good time heading north to Culicut, where we found ourselves trapped in a procession celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Indian Communist Party. There are so many communists! But they are the happiest, nicest communists one might meet. All those movies about commies are lies - their fantastic and so happy!

Off to bed in a mosquito infested, over-priced non airconditioned room by the sea. Damo slept like a baby, Belinda didnt sleep at all, and Andrew was impartial.

Day 5 Kovalam to Fort Kochin

This place Kovalam is beautiful. Cheap food, great surf, and cheap accomodation.

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Woke up and enjoyed the surf and then a nice Masala Chai and brekky.

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After one final swim we boarded the train to Kochi in 3AC class. 5 hours later we arrived at our soon to be accomodation, Toms Old Mansion.

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Every thing in India is negotiable, this includes hotels. The rooms starting prince was 2500 rupees. The price we bargined for - 1400 rupees.

Day 4 Kings World Trust & Kings School & Kovalam

Once we arrived in Valiyoor, we where meeted by the Kings World Trust and shown around the school. The children were so happy to see us and we all felt like rock stars. ![img_0122_640x480](ulimages/userstore/66120/day_2/img_0122_640x480.jpg "img_0122_640x480")

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The difference in attitude towards learning here in India as opposed to Australia and UK is remarkable. The schools commitment to the children and is amazing, and shows what a little money can do in a place such as India.![img_0157_640x480](ulimages/userstore/66120/day_2/img_0157_640x480.jpg "img_0157_640x480")

Leaving the children and the school we headed off to Kovalam, a seaside town in the state of Kerala. We finally got some rest from travelling.

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Day 3 KL to Kochi & Valiyoor

After a night on the floor at KL airport, we decided to head into town to pass the time before our flight to India.

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Once we landed in Kochi, it was straight onto the public bus for a ride into town. Packed with people and with an 1.5 hour ride into town.

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A quick dinner and then off again to Ernaklam train station to catch the 10:54 pm Chennai Express towards the Kings Foundation School.

Apart from initial confusion as to which one of the 20 or so carriages was ours, we finally made found our bunk beds on the train and tried to get some sleep.

Waking up on the train was great watching the sun rise and snacking on some semi fresh food from the train. ![img_0110_640x480](ulimages/userstore/66120/img_0110_640x480.jpg "img_0110_640x480")