Tobias Parkhurst

Day One

Fresh off three hours of sleep and gnawing coca leaves, the crew did a bit of wandering today and found our way over to the mototaxi testing grounds. The warnings about the bikes being horrible was no exaggeration. Many wouldn't start and most stalled often. Steering is a joke and we learned the brakes are garbage the hard way - with a collision with another bike. Todd got a little over zealous on a corner while I (Toebee) was riding on back, the bike was on two wheels, I bailed just in time to dodge another mototaxi that was behind us and see Todd jump the curb. I feared for my friend as he disappeared into a blur of trees and brush and crushing mototaxi parts. Doubled over, blind from my tears from laughing so hard I managed to take a quick photo as Todd emerged, miraculously unscathed. Honestly we dodged a bullet, and our bravado has been taken down a necessary notch or two. Off to search for bike parts. Cheers!