Hat Yai, Thailand
Made it to hat yai after driving in the dark and almost running a drunk over, offered 'business' by prostitutes, and losing our brakes.... Onto the border tomorrow!
Hat Yai, Thailand
Made it to hat yai after driving in the dark and almost running a drunk over, offered 'business' by prostitutes, and losing our brakes.... Onto the border tomorrow!
On the road again.....
We finally made it to Trang after visiting several mechanics, overheating every 15 minutes, and braving the spastic local drivers. These are the good times! Good luck to all those who got a late start, we'll see you at the finish!!!!
Charities up and running!!!
Hey hey
Finally got off my ass and got the donation pages for our charities up and running. Please help us out by donating, even if it is only a small amount, to one of the charities below.
Unicef - [www.Unicef.org.au](http://www.unicef.org.au/)
   Donation page for Unicef - [www.everydayhero.com.au/tuktukwarriors](http://www.everydayhero.com.au/tuktukwarriors)
Birdlife International - [www.birdlife.org](http://www.birdlife.org/)
   Donation page for Birdlife - [www.justgiving.com/tuktukwarriors](http://www.justgiving.com/tuktukwarriors)
For all those that donate, thankyou!!!!
The Team!!!!
The Team!!!!