Edinburgh Tea Party
Edinburgh was going to be the first time the whole team was together and what a better way to celebrate than driving two hundred miles to have some gin and listen to a crazy man!
We all left Harrogate in good spirits, ready for the voyage... Or not! After twenty minutes driving Johnny had to fill up his car!Â
We stopped in Ripon to refuel and get some grub and redbull.Â
Then we cracked on.Â
So after the redbull we were all a little wired and there was a lot of dancing and singing going on in my car (from Jimmy).
After about an hour or so driving, flying past cars in the outside lane on the motorway, Dan decided to send through a picture message.
Unbeknown to me the 3 jokers I have decided to go away with thought they would pull a prank on me at the petrol station!
Yes that's right, I had been driving with L plates on my car the whole time!!!

Don't worry they came off in a hurry.Â
A party was still going on in my car with Jimmy being the only guest.
Eventually we arrived in Edinburgh, checked in to the hotel and had 30 minutes to get there. So we got changed, had some scotch and headed out.
We made our way to the Royal College of Physicians where we were politely greeted by a hot blonde. We continued inside the beautiful building to then be greeted by two absolute nut cases. One went by the name of professor. He was dressed in tweed with socks up to his knees, holding a pipe and had a dodgy looking rucksack filled with Fudge! The other, was a Queen’s guard with a dead rat under his nose.
We sat and drank tea, then made our way in to the Queen Mother Conference Centre to hear Tim Fitzhigham talk about his adventure in his copper boat. Great stories!
Once this was over it was gin and cucumber sandwich time. Wahey!
This was held in the Great Hall and New Library. Absolutely stunning rooms.

The Hendrick's gin started flowing and as the adventurist types we started exploring.
Some of the books were dodgy as hell and there were doors leading to everywhere and anywhere. We discovered the garden down some stairs and Johnny found a new best friend... The pressure washer!
We enjoyed the free bar and shared a lot of giggles, then decided to move on to a bar round the corner. Most people from the tea party went here. We nattered with other teams and kept the alcohol coming.Â
Dan came out of the toilets a bit scared after an unusual proposition from a group of locals.
We then moved on and decided to get food so we could drink more. Good old McDonalds! I did nearly pick a fight with a bunch of Scot's but it was all good. Think the lads were a little scared! We moved on to Tigerlillys for a drink but quickly decided to retire for the evening.Â
We were all sharing a room at the hotel so arrived back and got comfy. I must admit there wasn't much sleeping done, just a lot of wind breaking and laughter (from the boys, thank you)
The morning came round and we packed up our belongings and headed on our 4 hour journey home. All a bit too tired to play.....Until we got home.Â
Me, Dan and Johnny decided to take the Agila (the beast) out for a spin now the clutch was fixed. Nothing like a red brick being thrown round corners in the dales with 3 idiots wired on redbull.Â
The adventures have already started and we haven't even left the country yet.