Peter Lofstrand

West Bengal, India

Just checked in at Convlave hotel and ordered of course beer instantly! Shower then out for party - what are the best places to hit?? And who is doing scenic mountain route to Shillong instead of highway? And why will the music stop at 22? And with regards to the naked part, please confirm that a sock covering your shlong is not naked, isit? So many questions...

Bihar, India

We can almost smell the end party in Shillong... along with other strange smells. Today an early stop in a very nice, just opened hotel. Early start tomorrow and hope to find the other teams. Today done some real off-road training whereas the company which should have built the road forgot 40 km of road... So the shark is ready for the last part to Shillong.... Watch out!!

Uttar Pradesh, India

After being refused at the tenth hotel we tried, we acquired a local who drive us around to find a place, he got refused too for socializing with us. A warm welcome to Incredible India! Also seen a truck doing a backflip, suicidal mobile photographers, got lost and drove in a no-driving natural park and as usual, no Internet available, anywhere! Incredible India!

Madhya Pradesh, India

The machines run a lot faster without oil in the fuel we discovered today! Not putting oil also causes the poor thing to melt and fry we discovered! Completed hitch hiking, recruited repair crew, towing, spare part shopping, repairing and warming of the new engine in under 6 hours and back on the road! That also included participating in village ritual ceremony and being invited for lunch! Happy days!

Maharashtra, India

Today's wake up - a local village "Holi" celebration! We started the party music in the Rickshark and ended up completely drowned in colors! The Shark has also proven it can fly as we drove it up to over 2600 ft - for fun! Tada! Rocked up in Pune - without a plan as usual :-) At least we found Internet!

Goa, India

Our favorite Rickshark has not had even a minor breakdown of any kind! Probably thanks to our sweet tender lovin' and carin'! To spoil it a bit extra we handed it in for a pro-active full spa program at Mapusa Garage (comes highly recommended by at least one local and now us!). The beast is roaring like never before, ready to chew up a lot of miles tomorrow, but first, one more Goa party night! Ay caramba!@