David Allen

David Allen
Of Shaw Thing
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (January)

Kerala, India

our final update from here in india! Numbers of the trip: people coming back to india 3; people glad the rickshaw run is finished 4; ewan's mosquito bites 56; people at risk of malaria 1; nights in top notch accommodation 4; nights in sub-standard accommodation 12; nights in piss poor accommodation 1; nights with a working shower 6; km covered 3000; sub-continents traversed 1; people who now know anything about engines 0; limbs 16; fingers and toes 80; helpful Indians 1 billion; humbled brits 4; empires reclaimed 0; international incidents narrowly averted 1; volunteers to be ewan's "big spoon" 0; postcards sent 0; thimbles bought 0; times the phrase "you're in gear" was used 500+; pepsis drank "too many"; indian food eaten by stuart 0; people who showed no discretion in the bathroom 1; trouser leg bottoms waterproofed with gaffer tape 0; children happy to have daddy home tomorrow 1 (that we know of).@

David Allen
Of Shaw Thing
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (January)

Kerala, India

that was the trip that was! We reached the official finish line with no dramas this morning (other than stuart stalling one rickshaw *on* the finish line) after a very pleasant evening in the cochin holiday inn last night - a number of other teams have also been enjoying some luxury here yesterday and today. Thanks to all of you who have been following the updates and furnishing us with your comments - we have enjoyed hearing from you! All recovering nicely - ewan slept most of this afternoon ;). Today in numbers: finish lines crossed 1; finishing position 5 (from 77); pizzas for dinner 4; people refusing to drive a rickshaw again 4.

David Allen
Of Shaw Thing
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (January)

Kerala, India

well, we were turned away by a number of empty hotels tonight, which was not the end of the day we wanted, especially after falling out with a number of bus drivers on the way through town. Temperatures roasting today; tempers beyond boiling point. Jamie was a real princess at lunchtime, demanding food,amid an excellent display of "hangriness." Still, the finish line is now in sight, Cochin tomorrow hopefully. Everyone grateful to be alive. Today in numbers (there're a lot of 3s): km covered today 330; km left to cochin 300; max days left 3; age today 30; age tomorrow 31; empty hotels which turned us away 5 (f*ckers); my toys out the pram 1; star rating of hotel we are hoping to find in cochin tomorrow 5;

David Allen
Of Shaw Thing
On the The Rickshaw Run 2013 (January)

Karnataka, India

stinking hot day here in the south of india. after a day off from driving, in goa, yesterday 250km gained straight down the coast today. After having our broken exhaust fixed yesterday, it developed another crack today, so needed yet more welding. Even managed to find our accommodation in daylight today! Everyone pleased to know that the bulk of the journey is behind us now, with only 4 enjoyable days to come. Today in numbers: Gingers finding the temperature too much and the sun too strong 2; indians in celt*c shirts 3; of which, drug dealers on anjuna beach 1; km from jaisalmer 2375; emergency welds 1; km driven in dark 0; frogs in hotel bathroom 1; max temperature today 35.

Goa, India

hot and sweaty here in goa, everyone (especially jamie) pretty hangry now, waiting for some dinner. Still, day off tomorrown which we're all looking forward too. Hit the beach, and the market; while ewan has already checked that the hotel bar is open all afternoon. Today in numbers: distance from start 2114km; distance driven with no exhaust 30km; burgers n chips tonight 4; torches strapped to rickshaw as lights aren't working 3; pina coladas 1; cuba libres 1(so far, although I think ewan's total will be significantly higher); drivers looking forward to a day off 4.