Joshua Miles

Padang, Indonesia

Our mighty rickshaw blew another gasket. We give and give but she just refuses to love us back. Fashioned another gasket out of aluminum. Collecting the burnt out ones like beanie babies. Josh rode around town on a scooter driven by a former world champion motorcycle racer. Terrifyingly awesome.

Pesisir Tengah, Indonesia

Everything broke today, but, like the noble phoenix, mighty rota shall rise again to love us once more. New suspension, new carb mount, head gasket rebuilt, drive shaft reconnected, and stabilizer bar about to be welded back together. We're gonna ride this lady hard tomorrow.@

Pesisir Tengah, Indonesia

Fashioning a new head gasket out of foraged aluminum. Hopefully this doesn't mark the end of team hooded merganser. On a happier note, we spent the night eating fish and drinking mystery booze with a crew of fisherman in a little hut over the water. It's amazing how far bathroom humor can go in crossing the language barrier.