Andy Crawford

Medan, Indonesia

Day T+6. Game Over :( We have had to drop out unfortunately. Tuktuk is a complete right-off. Has been since day one. We're all totally gutted. If only we'd have been given a tuk in even a semi-working state then we might have had a fighting chance. Very disappointed. Oh well, we'll just have to make our own adventure now instead! Best of luck to all the other teams, hope you all make it to the finish line. Bon Voyage! Over and Out.Andy, Ben and Angie.

Belawan, Indonesia

Day+5. Right, so, here we go. Off to the mechanics to HOPEFULLY pick up our tuk in tiptop shape. Don't even want to consider the alternative...been a tough week so far. Missing my wonderful fiance. Hopefully things will start looking up soon! Still feeling positive but fairly anxious! Andy.@

Medan, Indonesia

Day T+4. Finally making some progress! Kind of. Made it to Medan in Indonesia. Just waiting for the tuktuks to be ferried over from Malaysia. All the way on the back of a lorry thus far so really itching to actually get the tuk fixed up and get some driving done! Andy.