And then there was one!
Mike has flown home today, we were both hoping to. But I have had to stay with the car and won't be able to ship out until Tuesday.
And then there was one!
Mike has flown home today, we were both hoping to. But I have had to stay with the car and won't be able to ship out until Tuesday.
Few photos from the trip
Just a few pics from our amazing journey! [gallery]         [/gallery]
I say chaps we only gone a FINISHED!!
Wow!! The finish Line! Lennon's head and the Churchill bar for BEER! We are staying at the hotel Baikal Plaza right by the central square. Time for beer and then to unpack the car! The journey from the border crossing wasn't without trouble, three bends from the border crossing which took 10 hours to get through and I was stopped for speeding, then Midg developed an electrical faul and kept cutting the ignition! She would completely cut out we stopped 6 time in 50km we were too tired to look for the problem kept wiggling things till she worked again and then pressing on! Please keep following the blog as now we are in the world of wi-fi we will upload some more pictures of our journey. For those that have enjoyed reading our tales, and haven't yet sponsored us yet please please could you! I think there is a link from our page, but if you have any problems please just contact me and I can supply the details. Alternatively click this link 
Running repairs turn into full rebuild.
As we were changing the battery we thought we would look at the camber difference in the front wheels. Oops one of the wishbone joints had broken out of its holder and there is a crack in the chassis. Poor Midg! ![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()
Running repairs turn into full rebuild.
As we were changing the battery we thought we would look at the camber difference in the front wheels. Oops one of the wishbone joints had broken out of its holder and there is a crack in the chassis. Poor Midg! ![Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()
Is Broken Down Again
Things weren't looking good last night! We took a wrong turn which took us on a track that you wouldn't put your landrover down! After bumping and bouncing along this track thinking its was probably worse to turn back than proceed forward. And after getting stuck in soft sand, we finally broke down and had to walk about a km to find help. This was up on the very high plains and the wind blowing sand in your face made it difficult to see. We got recovered to Altay and to a mechanics the car didn't really fit on the lorry and it took 20 people to get the midget on! They only broke a wing and a headlight bulb doing it. Then the drive to Altay took 3.5 hours and I was cramped in a space 1.5ft by 3.5ft not the most comfortable ride for 3 hours! But we are now at the (official) Mongol rally service center.. Hoping to be on the road again soon as fixed problem with distributor and just trying to fix battery starting problem. ! Oh and some woman this morning was throwing milk all over the place including my bag!! Thanks Old Woman hopefully it's lucky! [Uploading file...]()![Uploading file...]()
Midg survives and we are back on the road!!
Don't panic readers! Midg just fancied an oil change so decided to remove her sump plug in the middle of Mongolia! After retracing our oily steps we found the dump plug, stuck it back in with plenty of thread lock and using the last of our oil and some we blagged from a passing car, got back on the road. **** News update brakes fail we've stopped again ****
Oh no is this the end for Midg and the dare devil duo .................... What a day! We managed to extract ourselves from the family we stayed with by 10 am looking forward to a smooth run and 100km of Tarmac before we hit the tracks! All too soon the Tarmac was gone and we were left battling dust, rocks other cars and potholes bigger than the car. River crossing also proved interesting Midg doesn't like getting her wheels wet or indeed the whole cabin as she stopped while we tried to cross this river! I have thought of some mods, as always involving plastic water bottles to improve her wading depth! Then about 2 o'clock And shortly after a decidedly Big Bang from below Midg conked out on close inspection we had crushed a fuel line, but with a bit of rubber tube we were able to cut out the rather flat pipe and be on are way. Little did we know a few hours later much worse was to come! Again another bang from underneath (usually every couple of minutes) but this time Midg was injured. The black blood poured out and Midg is critical! Tune in later to see if Midg makes it or if it bye bye to Midg! 
Oh no is this the end for Midg and the dare devil duo .................... What a day! We managed to extract ourselves from the family we stayed with by 10 am looking forward to a smooth run and 100km of Tarmac before we hit the tracks! All too soon the Tarmac was gone and we were left battling dust, rocks other cars and potholes bigger than the car. River crossing also proved interesting Midg doesn't like getting her wheels wet or indeed the whole cabin as she stopped while we tried to cross this river! I have thought of some mods, as always involving plastic water bottles to improve her wading depth! Then about 2 o'clock And shortly after a decidedly Big Bang from below Midg conked out on close inspection we had crushed a fuel line, but with a bit of rubber tube we were able to cut out the rather flat pipe and be on are way. Little did we know a few hours later much worse was to come! Again another bang from underneath (usually every couple of minutes) but this time Midg was injured. The black blood poured out and Midg is critical! Tune in later to see if Midg makes it or if it bye bye to Midg! 
Watch out the Police!!
I'm not sure if it gold wrap, stuck on front number plate, no exhaust or the fact it's a convertible in a country with no convertibles! But the midget is causing quite a stir amongst our police friends! 5 stops yesterday! 2 stops today! All they do is look at the paper work look at the car try and talk to you and wave you on!