Natalie Rose

Tocache, Peru

Today was tough! Had to tow Bex & Nick 30km along a bumpy dirt track as their clutch pedal fell off! Later, we got to a huge river we needed to cross & found that the bridge had collapsed! Had to wait in line for a make shift boat to ferry our tuktuks across. VERY SKETCHY! Ended up arriving in Tocache in the dark after driving along more dirt tracks & cliff edges....

Tocache, Peru

Today was tough! First thing we ended up on to a dirt track...20km in, Bex & Nicks clutch pedal fell off so we had to tow them 30km to the next village. Involved lots of rope, pushing & mud! A little later in the day we arrived at a huge river that we needed to cross but the bridge had fallen down (this ended up being the case twice in one day). We had to wait inline for an hour for a makeshift boat to ferry our tuktuks across. VERY SKETCHY. All these unexpected events meant it got dark before we got to Tocache. Driving on more dirt tracks in the dark, along cliff edges, in between lorri ** some text is missing **