Meline Joaris

Meline Joaris
Of Sons Of Da Gama
On the The Mongol Rally 2012

Irkutsk, Russia

my phone is finally working in Moscow, on our way back to London so I thought I'd post the last few updates that didnt go through 2 weeks ago! We arrived late last night in Irkutsk. Spent the night in a renovated old soviet block of flats with a crazy owner who kept telling us to keep quiet and made Waldo change the bed sheets by moving him around the rooms! After coffee and breakfast at Lenin Street cafe (surprisingly similar to Starbucks?!), we are on our way to lake Baikal!

Meline Joaris
Of Sons Of Da Gama
On the The Mongol Rally 2012

Tulun, Russia

South Africa is closer to London than we are now! The road through the forest on the way to lake Baikal has got some really bad dirt road patches! It's 35 degrees in the car and can't even open the windows because of all the dust that has reduced our visibility to 10m in some places! 430km left to go and it's already 2pm here, it's going to be a long day of driving...

Meline Joaris
Of Sons Of Da Gama
On the The Mongol Rally 2012

Krasnoyarsk, Russia

didn't get lost yet, thanks to the super organised swedes! Polished a bottle of Baikal berry vodka last night and slept like babies in a field covered in mist and mosquitoes. We're all dirty and muddy again after camping in the rain. In Krasnoyarsk having lunch at the English school then back on the road to lake Baikal!@

Meline Joaris
Of Sons Of Da Gama
On the The Mongol Rally 2012

Kemerovo, Russia

We had the best night sleep (so tired than one beer got us drunk last night!), a warm shower and awesome buffet breakfast! We even managed to do some laundry! Almost in Eastern Siberia, the scenery is more mountainous with huge forests. Driving with "the swedes" all the way to lake baikal - hopefully we won't get lost anymore...

Novosibirsk, Russia

finally arrived in Novosibirsk after driving 1000km today, getting only slightly lost and scoring some local beer! Stopping over at a hotel to wash some clothes (we all ran out of clean underwear 2 days ago!), take the first shower in 5 days and sleep under a solid roof. We're also meeting up with the Swedes, another mongol rally team. Can't wait for that shower, it's going to be the best thing ever!

Tatarsk, Russia

The roads deteriorated rapidly, we then realised that we were on the old dirt road to Novosibirsk... The guys eventually stopped for directions in a small town where we came across 1 drunk and 2 sober Russians who helped us out so much. We gave them some Jack Daniel's and they gave us some local beer! Shane had a full "conversation" recorded on tape. We are now on the smooth, beautiful new road to Novosibirsk.@