jamie charlesworth

rickshaw police chase

Realised on the Mumbai Pune toll gate that no rickshaws allowed. Not letting the barrier crashing down on us or the scattering of toll staff, we broke for the sweet 100km shortcut. A short but determined escape was undermined by pissed off police wanting big bribes. As they left the clutch cable snapped and thus started a hilarious cycle of bump starts facing the wrong way down the mountain at 2am. Slept in tuk tuk in defeat but laughing now.

Off road mayhem and river crossings

Currently in Patna having come from Darjeeling. Slowly working our way through every breakdown scenario, with the latest fun entailing the entire exhaust falling off and being held on with a screwdriver and some chicken wire. Still optimistically planning to do the Taj after Varansi then down through Goa. Been on lots of adventures and this ones awesome!!